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Please follow the below steps to complete the process:

Step 1. Join your PRIVATE Facebook Support Group: 

Click this link and click request to join the group:​

Step 2. Grab this coupon code- You will need this coupon code 

Important! Don't lose this coupon code- You will need this code each month.

Step 3. Download the Housekeeping Rules 

Click on the link inside the email and instantly receive access to your product!

Step 4. Charter Membership Courses are on 

You will need to set up a free account on UseFedora in order to access trainings.  When you click on the coupon code in Step 2- you will need to click on "enroll in course".  You will be prompted for your info. Please fill in all your information it requires to gain access to my courses. 

Step 5. Open my emails! Don't let my emails land in spam! 

You will need to make sure your email will take my emails and put them in your inbox: and sender :Katerina Gasset from Entrepreneur Business Academy

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