There is a story…

Katerina Gasset

Hi, thanks for taking the time to read more about me. There are several sides to me: the professional business owner, the mother and wife and grandmother and the soul, the writer and connector. I have been blessed with the gift of empathy and discernment along with being able to teach and motivate you to become the best that you are designed to be. 

My Experience

" My life experience is what has taught me the most. No book could cover the lessons I have learned, no classroom could ever have educated me or helped me to prepare for the trials and blessings I have received. Yet I love to read, to learn and to grow. But learning is not enough for me, once I learn and apply what I learn I am compelled and driven to share with others. Since I was a little girl I wanted to make a difference in the world.

The very first paying job I ever had was when I was only 12 years old. I loved to teach. So the school hired me in the summer to teach young underprivileged children how to read.

I wrote beautiful poetry as a child. My mother encouraged me to write however she was not present to see me through to my grand goals.  My teenage years were very traumatic. In those few years I experienced the rough side of life. A life that books are written about and documentaries created. Maybe one day I will write that book.

My second job ever was working at the San Francisco water department as a filing clerk. I learned quickly I would not make it far in the world with that kind of a job. I really hated being told what to do. I am very rebellious. Then the job to end all jobs working for others came when I was hired by McDonalds in Waikiki Hawaii. I did not even wait for my first paycheck period to end before quitting. I decided that I was going to own my own business and be an entrepreneur.

Eventually I became a model and actress, then a clothing designer and a disco contestant."

When I was only 18 my mother died. Soon I was married and by the time I was 19 I had given birth to my oldest son. We went on to have 5 children.  We became victims of domestic violence until I got divorced.  I then met and married my awesome husband and we had our little son- Tristan who is now 12 years old. I homeschooled all my children for most of their school years and continue to homeschool our youngest son. We also already have grandchildren so our son is a very young uncle. Our home is full of the laughter of little children.

I passed the California real estate agent license exam back in 1983. I've been licensed in California, Washington and Florida. Having a real estate business was a good fit since I was raising a family and I had more freedom to choose when I would work and so on." 

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