How’s Your Website Working For You?

There are all different kinds of websites. Sometimes we start to fall in love with a certain way a website we see online looks. Sometimes we start a lot of different styles of websites but never really finish any of them all the way. I am certainly guilty of that:) 

We can dance around the best look and feel, the best IDX functions, the best gadgets and shiny objects… but at the end of the day none of that matters. It really does not matter. 

The only thing that really matters is: is your website connecting with your ideal client or customer? 

Is your website in tune with what your audience is searching for, needing, wanting, got to have? Tune in to your ideal customer's radio frequency: WIIFM ( What's in it for Me?). 

Conversions are what counts. Conversions are what matters. 

Real Estate website makeovers

What good does it do you if you have the nicest design on the planet but no one ever sees your website? What good it is if you get a ton of traffic but not one person ever calls you to hire you to sell their home or find a home for them? It is of no use. 

You may be in the market for a total website makeover or you may just need to tweak your message! 

Learn more about websites makeovers with Coach Katerina:  how to design your website, finding a niche that is a good fit for you, developing your message and branding for your audience, how to optimize online for best positioning in SEO and video branding and much, much more…. 

Go here now: Is Your Website Making You Money? Sign up for the 3 part video series. 

Authored by Katerina Gasset 

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