Listing Strategy- Dominate Page One on Google | 7 out of 10 spots- To Show Sellers You Know Marketing

Listing Strategy- Dominate Page One on Google | 7 out of 10 spots- To Show Sellers You Know Marketing 

This is one of the best listing strategies. It is tough to argue the fact that you dominate page one for keywords that sellers are using to look for agents. 

But beware: each market is different, each niche is different. The same keywords that work in Chicago may not work at all in Wellington Florida. You need to know your market. 

Here is another case study that we are doing for Listing Experts Academy- 

Judi Sayhay has reached her page one dominance in a very quick time frame of less than one month. She dominates 7 out of 10 spots on page one. Remember, that is the magic number in most markets- control 7 out of 10 spots on page one of Google to position yourself to become the go to agent in your market. 

Katerina Gasset, Listing Experts Academy, seo for agents, seo for real estate agents, real estate agent coaching, consulting for realtors

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Discover how we get us and our clients on page one with domimating 7 out of 10 spots at Listing Experts Academy. 

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