Are You Doing what You Always Dreamed of Doing?

The greatest human tragedy is not living the life of your dreams. It is a sad day for many people when they look at their past years realizing that all they have been doing is working to keep on working. They were not working for a living.   

transform your business transform your life   We want to work to make the life we dream of having not to rack of the debt and then be a slave to working to pay each month the debtors we owe. That is not working for a living. That is working for others. That is not living life on your own terms but rather someone else's terms. 

Are you doing what you always dreamed of doing? 

I was watching some surfers the other day and following their stories. I was impressed by a man who had wanted to surf since he was young but never did. When he reached the age of 50 he decided to buy a surfboard and learn the sport. He became very good at it. 

Now the question of course is: did he save up his money and then at the age of 50 he could do what he loved to do or did he just take the risk, dust off his dreams and go for it? 

I was just coaching one of my favorite clients who happens to hate real estate sales. She does not want to be doing this when she is 60 years old. Unfortunately she has done what most of us do and has debt. Since she is not debt free she has to make money now to pay off that debt. She is SUPER successful in real estate. She is one of the top producers in her company which is a large company. But she works a lot of hours and does not get to go and do the things she dreams of doing. 

I am passionate about helping you to realize your dreams. Dust off your dreams! Take the risk and go for it! For some of you that is getting rid of your corporate job and getting into real estate to be your own boss. For others it is to get out of real estate and go and do what you love to do whether that be surfing or going to help the homeless. 

When you reach the age of 50 you have lived half of your life. Hopefully you will be one of the many centurians as their numbers increase. That is my goal too. You realize at this stage of your life that you are no longer going to live forever. You are not the immortal you once thought you were. 

One of the ways to figure out what your passion is, is to think back to your childhood. What did you dream you would be when you grew up and why? What was it about that dream that got you excited? As you grew up what tugged at your heartstrings? When I was a little girl I was a really good speller and writer. I wrote poetry. A lot of it. I loved to write and speak. Asking me to give a book report in class would make my day! Since I was very shy this was my way to reach out and connect with others. But what did I really want from all of those abilities, skills and talents? Deep down I wanted to make a difference, I wanted to inspire others and to help others. 

But I also love to travel and hang out with my family. Sometimes we need a vehicle to get to the destination of our dreams. The vehicle may not always be what we love to do. As long as you don't get stuck in that vehicle on the side of the road out in the middle of nowhere with no chance of reaching your destination you can use the different vehicles that appear before you. 

Please watch this video, it is only 3 minutes long, it may be the best 3 minutes you have spent in a long time: 


Inspiration, Inspire, live your dreams, motivate

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