On Page SEO Basics for Real Estate Agents
Search engine optimization for your blog articles and your pages on your website is not difficult. It sounds scary and complicated to many real estate agents. When you break it down into smaller bite size pieces, it becomes manageable.
Here is a graphic that I created to show you visually the basic concepts on the items that need to get done when you write a blog post or create a page on your real estate website. This includes your listing pages. Don't just allow syndicators to take the SEO value from your listings. With a few simple steps you can optimize your listings.
Content that people like to link to is the most important factor. You also need to have content that people can link to. For instance, if you send all your traffic to your idx search page- that page most likely does not have great content to link to. Send the traffic instead to your individual listing pages where you have created some additional interesting content about your listing. This entices someone to link to your listing.