Website Design Must Speak To Your Audience


Website Design Must Speak To Your Audience 

When you are designing your website whether you are doing it all yourself or you hired a web designer you will not have a successful website without knowing who your audience is and what problem they are looking to solve. 

Matching your design to their way of thinking is a key in your successful conversion of those who visit your website. 

What you like may not be what your potential customers like. 

Find out who your ideal customer is and then find out what they are looking for in a website that offers solutions to their problem whatever that may be. 

Here is a website that my partner and co-founder of Gasset and McKnight – Mary McKnight designed and created to match the audience for Bess a 19 year old singer. Bess combines soul, blues and rock to create a soft sound.  

You can click on this link to listen to her music and to click through her pages because every single page is a different design. 

Website Design For Real Estate Agents and Musicians

Think about how you can relate to your audience and create in your mind what is the ideal website they are searching for, what information they want to consume and who they want to relate to. 

authored by Katerina Gasset 


Website Design

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