Celebrating Our 1st Year Anniversary for Get It Done For Me – Virtual Services

What a journey this past year has been! Firstly, owning a virtual assistant company was never even on my radar much less on my goal list. 

One thing I have learned over the years is to be aware of what doors God opens for me. He knows more about what I need to do than I do. He is in control. If I but choose to do his will, I will not go down the wrong path. 

I like to be in control and I want to do everything on my own without reaching out to Heavenly Father. I pray for things that I want, that I know I want, and not for what he has in his plans for me. 

Well, this virtual assistant company was a blessing. It was a gift from God. There is no other reason why I would acquire a company.  So when the very clear advice came to me from the holy Spirit I knew this was the way I needed to go. 

And how right that decision was!!! 

The short video above is about half of our team. The ladies and gentleman in this video are in our Manila department. The Cebu department will be having their party in November. 

I had faith that everything would work out. After all, if Heavenly Father wanted me to work my tail off in this company he would also make sure I was successful!  I took a HUGE leap of faith in order to acquire, revamp, and grow this company. 

Well, a year later and we have GROWN!!!!  My how we have GROWN!!! 

And to top it all off... we are successful beyond my expectations for a company being in business only one year. We have a lot of team members in the Philippines working part and full time. 

My main financial goal I wanted was to not be in the red even in the first month in business and I wasn't! 

My main client goal was to make sure our communication system was top notch and it is! We use Trello for our communication and our project management system! LOVE IT! Our clients LOVE IT!!! 

My main team member goal was to make sure that each VA excels in their passions, in what they love to do. This way, we have specializations which brings higher quality output. 

There is always room for improvement.  Where I have been weakest is in the exact part of the business we do for all of our clients! My own marketing!  

About 80% of my clients are referrals and past clients, website clients, coaching clients, etc. The other 20% are clients I meet on Facebook, in FB groups. I have been so blessed I have not paid for an ad yet and I am still so busy with new clients to onboard that I don't have time to market to cold leads. 

My new goal for this quarter was to create the Get It Done For Me Virtual Services Facebook page! I did that this past weekend. 

Please stop by the Get It Done For Me Facebook page and give it a like! 

Click this link: https://www.facebook.com/getitdoneforme/

Who do you know who is ready to move their business forward by outsourcing their tasks? 

 Time to Delegate Your Tasks! Text me at 561-502-1577 to get Started!!!


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