Join me on my webinar: How To Get Leads from Your Facebook Ads
Discover the 5 things you need to do to get more leads from your Facebook ads by 10%, 30% or even 500% …
LIVE webinar is on:
Thursday May 10, 2018
12 noon eastern time
REGISTER NOW by clicking the link here:
KAPOW!!!!! I'm running a FREE “LIVE” training workshop ( webinar) … where you'll learn exactly how to create your Facebook Ad strategy to get more and better leads into your sales and conversion funnels:
Are you tired of spending time and money on Facebook ads that don't get results?
Are you sick of trying to get your ads to convert? Are you tired of your ad cost going up and up?
Do YOU want to learn how to REALLY generate leads through your Facebook ads?
After spending a lot of time and money, trial and error on Facebook ads over the years I decided to learn from the best in the ads industry. I took courses from Molly Pitman who was in charge of over $10 Million dollars in adspend for Digital Marketer. Yes, she spent over 10 million dollars in ads and knows a thing or two about Facebook ads from all that! I took her courses on customer acquisition.
I not only took her courses but I sought out other training as well from top Facebook marketers. I earned the Certification of being a Customer Acquisition Specialist and am now ready to share with you what I learned and what I am implementing in my business and the businesses of our clients.
Don't miss this webinar training: