How to Blog Faster with Scribefire in Google Chrome | Video Tutorial

How to Blog Faster with Scribefire in Google Chrome | Video Tutorial 

You can download Scribefire in Google Chrome as an extension from the free Google Chrome Webstore. After that you can import all of your blogs into the Scribefire dashboard. Scribefire will pull in all your pages and posts from each wordpress website too! It will also post to Tumblr, Blogger and 

For ActiveRain you can not post directly but you can simply copy and drag your post over to a new window where you have ActiveRain opened up in if you have a Mac. If you have a PC you can copy and paste from Scribefire to ActiveRain. 

For all your wordpress websites and blogs you can also set up auto posting for different dates and times of publishing. You can also spin your content easily this way. 

This is a super fast way to manage your sites and other blog sites because you don't have to log into your site's dashboard each time you want to add content or even make one simple change. Just open up Scribefire and make a quick change, update and you are done. 

The best part of ScribeFire that I like is that you easily post colored text like this red color right in the dashboard. You can add images and videos too. You also can change the size of the fonts easily and not have to worry about your WP dashboard forcing your font back to the teeny tiny size 10 that no one can read. 

Here is the YouTube video tutorial that I created for you to learn how to use ScribeFire: 

Technology for the non-techies- installing and using ScribeFire on Google Chrome for blogging. 

authored by Katerina Gasset 


marketing, non techie, scribefire, technology

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