Join Me on – Interview with Real Estate Broker Stephanie Anson


Listing Experts Academy- Thinking about joining but have questions? Hop on with me and ask away!

I will be interviewing Broker Stephanie Anson about how she used the strategies in Listing Experts Academy to dominate her niche on the internet!

Find out more about Listing Experts Academy and take a peak into all that we are learning!

Join me on  Wednesday November 18, 2015 at 11 a.m. eastern time. 

You can subscribe here on this link to the blab:

If you have any issues with the link or finding the blab- you can just do a search for me, Katerina Gasset in blab and my blabs will show up.

You must have a Twitter account to subscribe to Blabs. So make sure you have your Twitter handle handy:).

If you want to hop on to ask questions, you have to be on your computer with a headset and a microphone.

If you are on your iPhone you can download the blab app but must use your iPhone ear buds with mic in order to get in the open seat.

I look forward to helping you learn more about Listing Experts Academy via live streaming on Blab!


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