When It Comes to Your Digital Marketing Strategy, Taking the First Step Can Make or Break You

The last few weeks have been busier than normal. What else is new, right? But really, it has been super busy. I've been working on creating a huge new project that has been keeping me up at night. Being busy is actually a good thing. I would rather be actively engaged in good causes than be bored or lazy. 

This project has been on my mind for a couple of years now but I did not know how exactly to put it all together.  I am so excited about this new project. 

The reason I'm so excited is this focuses on answering the question that has been keeping me up at night: 

“How can I help busy real estate agents to get their SEO best practices up and running faster and more efficiently? In other words, what exactly would this look like? What does it take to get on the #FastTrack to SEO your site to the top of the search engines and still be able to work with buyers and sellers and not go broke?” 




I realized it has been over 10 years now since I started learning about SEO and applying all that I learned to our real estate company website and our brand. Zig Ziglar once said, “if you want to be an expert in a subject study one hour a day for five years and you will know more than most people who are in that field.” I did the math and started studying about SEO for 6 to 8 hours a night when the rest of the family was sleeping. In one year, I was able to apply what I learned. 

Blogging about SEO and creating tutorials for agents to follow, sharing our successes and helping ActiveRain members was how it all got started with paying it forward. Back in the day, there was no ActiveRain University. 

This is what inspired me to create the popular course: SEO to the Top. For years agents have been taking SEO to the Top modules and trainings. 

It seems as though time keeps going by faster and faster. This got me to thinking about how Universities and High Schools now offer fast tracks to get through school faster and more efficiently. 

Over the years I've had the opportunity to personally coach individual agents just like you. This has helped me create more efficient programs and modules for you to use in your marketing and businesses. 

I've also had the awesome blessing of helping many of these agents rise to the top of the search engines. Agents who have applied what I teach enjoy page one placement for their keyword phrases which results in listings and buyers as well as very good branding. 

Through this journey I kept not only a watchful eye, performed testing on keywords and other SEO strategies but also kept data and notes on which techniques are getting real estate agents up to the top of google faster than before. Over 10 years of data, of defining, of testing and of learning from the great masters of SEO on the internet has transformed into #FastTrackSEO to the Top. 

The point is during that time I've amassed an incredible amount of knowledge, skills, information and applications about what it takes to get to page one on Google and the other search engines which in turn you can then apply to hopefully get the same benefits as I have and all the agents whom I have helped have. 

So why would any of this keep me up at night? 

Simple. It's one thing to know this stuff. It is something quite different to take everything about the SEO best practices and put it into some kind of immediately usable format that can help you to get to where you want to go more rapidly. 

Well, I have it figured out. It's take a long time and it's a lot of work putting it together, but I have now built a full out end to end system which will teach anyone how to do this including you and other busy agents. 

I'd like to share more specifics about the actual #FastTrack SEO to the Top path however there are still some more pieces to get nailed down. For one thing, I'm trying to decide how many people I can accommodate and I don't want to raise expectations and then not be able to meet those obligations. And the last thing I want is a bunch of disappointed agents on my hands! 

Do you have 1 minute to help me help you to #FastTrack your SEO strategies? 

There is one other thing… 

You see, I like think I've covered all of the elements of my new #FastTrackSEO to the Top system. In fact, I'm thrilled to say after two years of hard work I'm about to finalize everything for this system. 

But before I do, I want to make sure I've covered all the bases. This is where you come in…. 

I want know your thoughts about fast tracking your SEO strategies and best practices. 

I've made it incredibly easy for you to send your thoughts and ideas to me. Just click here right now:  


Now, I can't promise an individual answer to each of your questions and comments- with over 2500 subscribers on ActiveRain and over 4500 followers on Facebook there is no way that I can do that. But I can promise you that I will be personally reading each and every one of your questions- and I might be answering some of those on my blog. 

Thanks in advance for sharing your questions with me, I promise I will take good notes! 

Remember to click the link below to send me your SEO questions. I really appreciate your help! 



#FastTrackSEO, Coach Katerina, Coaching for real estate agents, digital marketing strategies, katerina gasset, real estate agent SEO, Real Estate Coaching, SEO for Real Estate, SEO for real estate agents

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