Do You Know YOUR Best Keyword Phrase to get Listings?

Do You Know YOUR Best Keyword Phrase to get Listings? 

This is just one of the many topics we will be covering in depth in Listing Experts Academy. This is called, “highest and best commercial intent keywords”.

You won’t be finding any SEO gurus defining or leveraging keywords with highest and best commercial intent.

But the one thing to remember with this ninja strategic move is that you MUST dominate page one on Google for this to work to your best benefit.

Check out what one of my coaching clients did- she totally dominates page one on google for a very specific keyword that she and I discovered as one with high commercial intent and value-

Not only does she dominate but her efforts are paying off! She just got a $850,000 horse farm listing because the seller found her for this keyword online!!!!


These strategies work!

Sign up for my Listing Experts Academy early bird notification list now and get my free 5 key strategies for Getting the Sellers To Call You to List!

Go here now:


Stay tuned for more updates on Listing Experts Academy. We are shooting for an early October launch date so make sure you keep up with our updates!!!


P.S. She dominated the SERPS by the end of June, she landed the listing by the end of July! You do the math:)



Listing Experts Academy

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