March is For Four Leaf Clovers and Leprechauns!



March is such a fun month! It is the month of four leaf clovers and leprechauns, sunshine and pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. clipart for st patricks day

March is the start of Spring youth Little League baseball and there is nothing more fun than to watch our son up on the pitchers mound throwing March is such a fun month!

Spice up your marketing with some fun St Patrick's Day themed clipart.

We use because for a low annual fee you get permission to use the clipart in your business for commercial use. Most free clipart services do not allow you to use their clipart for profit businesses.

Create your postcards for March with a touch of Irish fun and send them to your farm. Add some fun leprechauns to your monthly newsletters and to your blog posts and websites. 

Some other fun ideas for March fun in your marketing: 

Create a month long theme of different fun facts about St Patricks Day or from other Irish folklore. Add those fun facts to a set up emails to send out to your sphere of influence throughout the month of March. 

Change out your social media profile photos to St Patrick's day clipart for the month of March. Change other items on your social media to green. 

St Patricks Day clipart fun  List reasons why you feel lucky and share those on your Facebook wall, Google +, Pinterest and Twitter.  Share one reason per day why you feel lucky. 

Share links to Irish recipes. Create a Pinterest board for St Patricks Day and pin recipes and your feeling luckies. 

Print up Irish Blessings and pass them out to your buyers. Post them on Facebook. 

Send out Irish Blessings in thank you cards during the month of March. Send thank you cards to your past buyers and sellers, your agents and friends. 

Brainstorm for more ideas, share them here in the comment stream. 

An Irish Blessing
(A Blessing from St. Patrick)
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rains fall soft upon your fields,
And, until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

                                                st patricks day marketing idea


marketing, st patricks day marketing ideas

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