Understanding Keyword Research and How it Relates to Your Content
It is best if you can create a balance between doing your keyword research and actually blogging, adding value and content.

If you are very analytical person you might get really hung up trying to discover the exact and best keywords for you to develop your content. This can really hold you back. I like the saying”Good is good enough”.
While you should not start a website or blog blindly without any knowledge or thought into what your keywords would be and without any research into whether anyone is actually looking for keywords that you're blogging about, you shouldn't overthink it either.
I find that many business owners, agents and brokers who hire me to do keyword strategy sessions with them are on the wrong track as to which keywords they really should be writing with.
So for instance buyers will type into Google totally different keywords phrases than sellers will. Do you want buyers or do you want listings? That is the first decision to make.
The first thing that you need to decide is who you're going to be writing to. A lot of people start to randomly type into Google keyword tools different keywords just to see which ones are the most popular, the most searched, have the most traffic and the least competition.
You can buy all the different types of software that they are selling on the Internet to do keyword research with and even use Google's Adwords but none of that is can make a difference if you're speaking to the wrong audience because you're just going to get a high bounce rate.
Before you start any keyword research, the first order of business is to develop your avatar. This is the one thing that most people will not do. And even if they do they only scratch the surface. You really need to go deep with this. Successful marketing campaigns create avatars that are very specific down to even the way that their avatar looks, what they say, what they eat and drink. They put a face to their avatars by cutting out of picture they have found that is that look of their avatar in the demographic that they're going after.
In Listing Experts Academy we have two modules dedicated to working on your avatar. That is how important this process is for marketing online.
Engagement, transparency, authenticity and tuning into your avatar's frequencies is how you will connect with your target market.
Developing credibility and expertise in your niche is more important than keyword research. When you really get to know your avatar you will instinctively know what keywords they use when they type phrases in Google to find you.
Once these steps have been finished you want to make sure that your keywords have high commercial intent within your niche.
You don't need high-volume keywords if you have high commercial intent keywords. More on that in another blog post. For more information click to learn about Listing Experts Academy– including a set of 4 free tutorials to help you develop you get more listings.