Do you have an online marketing strategy? 

The data clearly shows according to research that Copyblogger has done that only 39% of B2B small businesses have a  written content marketing strategy. 

I will venture to assume that for B2C small businesses, it will be lower or about the same. 

I hear it all the time: 

“I know I need to blog but I don't have the time.” 

“I know I need to delegate but I don't have the funds.” 

“I know I need to have a plan for my business, but I don't know how to do it.”

” I know I need to have an online business strategy but I don't know where to start.” 

Sometimes these excuses are based in fear and sometimes they are based in simply not knowing what steps to take. 

Do You Have an Online Marketing Strategy?

You can work through it. You can be successful in getting listings, leads and referrals from blogging, search engine marketing, SEO strategies, networking, content marketing and developing relationships online. 

You may be attending a lot of great classes and webinars and walk away with notebooks full of great ideas but you know that you will just be putting all those notes on your desk and not really adding them to your content marketing strategies. 

Some people feel overwhelmed with the amount of information there is to digest when putting together your online marketing campaigns. 

We offer strategy sessions. You don't need to get into my full coaching programs in order to take advantage of developing your business strategy. 

It is almost the end of January in 2015 ~ how is your strategy working for you so far this year? 

Let's fine tune your existing strategy or create a new one so that you can actually make sense of all the stuff you need to do with your blogging, networking and social engagement. 

I have 3 strategy session times available on Thursday and 2 on Friday. 

Please email me at coachkaterina ( at sign) to request your strategy session or text me at 561-502-1577 with your name and email address. 

Looking forward to helping you get on the right track for this great new year! 


Coach Katerina, katerina gasset, Online Marketing Strategy, SEO, SEO for agents, SEO strategies

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