Get Ready! Get set! Join me in the 30 Day SEO Challenge!

This will be a really fun challenge! Whether you are new to online marketing or you have been around for a while you will have fun in this challenge.

Are you a procrastinator? Do you have a checklist of SEO steps to take on your website but never find the time to get them done?

Well, this is your chance to actually get stuff done!!!

Each day I will be posting for you a task to do on your website, we call that “on-page SEO”.


These will be very simple and one action steps anyone can do. Most of these steps for the 30 days will only take you about 5 minutes to do. Some will take about 10 minutes and there are a couple of steps towards the end of the challenge that may take you up to about 30 minutes to 60 minutes to do. But no worries, because most are very quick steps.

Who is this challenge for:

  • Real Estate agents
  • Dentists
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Small business owners
  • Chiropractors
  • Niche marketers
  • Anyone who has a website that wants to get it to rank higher than it may be on the search engines.

Experience required:

  • NONE!

That is the beauty of this journey. All you need to know is how to log into your website and access your pages and posts.

This is not going to be a WordPress course. This is not going to be a how to build your website course.

When are we starting?

June 11, 2016


On our 30 Day SEO Challenge blog, in your email inbox and on the 30 Day SEO challenge Facebook private group.



How can you help?

Click the Facebook like button and share this post on your Facebook page.

Click on the Tweet shares to share this on Twitter:

[bctt tweet=”Start your 30 Day SEO Challenge too! ” username=”CoachKaterina”]

How to get started:

Sign up for the 30 Day SEO challenge here:

Please share the start link with all of your friends, your colleagues, your sphere of influence, anyone you know who wants to have their website show up on the search engines.


30 Day SEO Challenge

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