Congratulations to Rhonda, one of my wonderful clients. She hired me to design her a website. She is a member of my Listing Experts Academy and also a private coaching client.

Rhonda Fee owns her brokerage in Pleasanton California. She did all her avatar training which is in module 1 in Listing Experts Academy and then she hired me to help her with her keyword research just to make sure she was on the right track.

We discovered her avatar. An avatar is your ideal customer persona but it goes way deeper than general demographics. We really drill down. We were able to really narrow her niche to match her avatar.

From there I was able to take her logo as the guide to her colors and messege that will resonate with her avatar. It flows and tells her story in a way that will meet her avatar where she is.

It is so exciting to see all of the necessary pieces come together.

Check out her website at:

We have a webinar coming up on Wednesday: “Website Best Practices” to help you get your website on the right track.

Go here to sign up for the webinar:

Here are some of the screenshots of Rhonda's Home page:


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Pleasanton_Homes_For_Sale_-_925_200_0827_-_Rhonda_Fee 3





Custom Website Design, Wordpress, Wordpress Website Design, Wordpress Websites

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