Free Webinar: Using Trello for Projects | Management | Organization and more.

Trello is free. Please use my invitation link here: 

This is one of my most requested tutorials. I created some video tutorials on using Trello. They are among my most popular video tutorials. Based on these requests I decided to offer you a webinar to show you live how we use Trello.

Trello is a very visual organization app. If you are a visual person you will fall in love with Trello. If you like to work fast and easy… all my webinars are about systems and apps that make your work faster, more efficient and not rocket science.

There is so much you can do in Trello and now, even better, you can use Zapier with Trello to streamline even more tasks.

I use Trello for contact management, travel trips, website creation planning and executing, project management, homeschool records, house inventory, recipes and menus complete with shopping lists, Christmas planning and gift logs  and so much more. I run nearly my entire business on Trello.

This will be a live webinar. I will not have slides as this is for hands on learning. You will want to make it to the live training so you can follow along. I will record the webinar but as always, if a technical problem occurs, there is no guarantee the recording will work. So it is always best if you can attend the webinar live.

The webinar is on Wednesday January 27, 2016 at 8 p.m. eastern standard time.

Please share this on twitter:

[bctt tweet=”Free Webinar: Using Trello for Projects & Organization in biz & personal life,”]

You will get reminders the day before and an hour before you webinar starts from GoToWebinar.

Go here now to get registered:

Also, in the comment section below please comment on what you want to learn in Trello and I will do my best to add that to the webinar. If I don't know the answer, I will find out.

We will also have a question and answer session all during the training, so bring your questions about Trello!



#FastTrackSEO, Blogging for Business, Branding, Coach Katerina, digital marketing strategies, katerina gasset, marketing, technology

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