If you are a real estate agent or broker you understand the power is in the listing. He or she who owns the listing lasts in this business.

With all new technology there are positives and negatives.

Technology helps us do more tasks however, sometimes we are either encouraged to use short cuts and sometimes we are just plain lazy and look for ways to get done faster and with less effort.

This happens with syndicating your listings on the internet.

What started out as a really time saving idea of having our listing syndicated to all the different portals on the internet  but ended up losing sight of owning our listings online.

In this Free Workshop you will discover:

  1. How to own your listings online
  2. How Google determines who owns your listings and why that is important
  3. How to get more leads from your listings when they are properly marketed online

Click here to register for the workshop:


The workshop is on August 25, 2016 on Thursday at  5:00 P.m. Eastern Standard Time

Make sure to register. Being in the webinar live is always the best experience.

However, I do understand life happens!

Make sure you are registered and then if you can not make it, I will post the replay for about 24 hours or so for you to watch or re-watch.


Real Estate agent training, Take back your listings

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