Every Listing Is Won Before You Ever Step Foot In The Seller’s Front Door

Every Listing is Won Before You Ever Step Foot in The Seller's Front Door

Sun Tzu said over 2,500 years ago in the ‘The Art of War',  “every battle is won before it is ever fought.”

Before you ever step foot on the battlefield the battle has already been won.

If you want to be a listing agent or want to be a better listing agent reading Sun Tzu's ‘The Art of War' is a must read.

Listing Experts Academy coaching Katerina Gasset

The battle is nearly always the one going on inside your own head. 

The first step to winning the listing is to “know thyself”. You must know who you are, what makes you tick, what keeps you up at night and what you want to jump out of bed in the morning for. You must understand your limited beliefs, where they come from, deal with them and then, let them go. You must get out of your own way. 

If you have any sabotaging behavior ( and all people do) ~ I can assure you that you will lose the listing before you cross the door's threshold. 

I get calls from agents who are concerned about going on listing appointments only to lose the listing to another agent. When we work on discovering what is it that creates this reality for them, in most instances it is all about that inner battlefield. 

It rarely is about the listing presentation itself. 

Even if we can trace the losses back to points in the listing presentation inevitability those points being missed or being made are connected to the agent's mindset. It always goes back to this one pivotal point: the conversations going on inside your head and what your subconscious wants to create for you. 

The second step is to know the seller. You must know the seller. Have you done your research on the property? Have you looked up the tax appraiser's report on this seller? Have you checked to see if there are any liens on the property, are they in lis pendens status? Have you checked on the MLS to see the property listing history and sales data of this property? All of these are critical to you knowing how to discuss listing the property. 

Have you checked out the seller on social media? Have you checked their facebook page, twitter, linkedin and online? Finding out every single detail you can about the seller will help you connect with the seller. 

The third step is sincerity. Does the seller feel like you just want a listing or does the seller feel like you care about their problems, pains and issues? Connecting with the seller on common ground is the key to building trust. 

We all know that people only do business with those they know, like and trust. Be that person. 

The text of The Art of War is in the public domain.

Here is a link to a downloadable pdf file of the book. Just click on the download link on this library: http://www.paxlibrorum.com/books/taowde/

Many people will take works and text that is in the public domain and add commentary to it in order to copyright and publish the works in book form.

You can buy one that is annotated on Amazon The Art Of War
 from $3.99 to $7.99 for a paperback book, the audio version is $1.99 and the Kindle version is .99 cents.

If you would like the simplified text file,  the MIT has one here: http://classics.mit.edu/Tzu/artwar.1b.txt.

Listing Experts Academy is the perfect program for agents who strive to be the best listing agents in their markets. 

Win the battle by becoming a member today. Text me at 561-502-1577 to get started today. 


katerina gasset, Real estate branding, Real estate getting listings, Real Estate marketing

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